festival-atelier à Narian-Mar, Russie du Nord (2002 - 2004)

Narian-Mar, capitale de la Région Autonome des Nenetzs






une opération de coopération internationale

Confrontée à la demande de nouvelles formes de coopération culturelle internationale dans le domaine des musiques actuelles, l’A.M.I. organise des ateliers croisés internationaux. La finalité n’est pas obligatoirement la production d’oeuvres finies mais plutôt le tissage de relations personnelles, durables et fécondes entre les musiciens invités, ainsi que le soutien à la mise en réseau, l’aide au développement local, sur la base d’un véritable échange culturel initié par deux sessions annuelles (une dans la ville étrangère, une à Marseille) pendant trois ans.
Comme pour l’ensemble de ses activités, l’A.M.I. tente sans cesse d’intégrer dans ses opérations internationales diffusion et formation, spectacle vivant et développement économique du secteur, car il lui semble, au vu de ses dix-huit années d’expériences, que seule cette intégration peut donner, à terme, un sens à l’action culturelle, particulièrement dans le domaine qui est le sien, les musiques actuelles.
Il s’agissait, à l’origine, de créer une "manifestation-soeur" pour le Festival MIMI (plus modeste), dans la capitale de la Région Autonome des Nenets (Russie du Nord), Narian-Mar (35 000 habitants). Un programme associant la formation (les ateliers et les résidences) à la diffusion (le Festival MIMI-Nor) dans une plate-forme internationale (les trois MIMIs) au service d’une certaine excellence artistique.
Aujourd’hui, Mimi-Nor, au même titre que Mimi-Sud (Kinshasa, novembre 2004), constitue avec le Festival Mimi aux îles du Frioul à Marseille, l’épine dorsale des opérations de coopération internationale de l’A.M.I. C’est en effet autour de ces trois évènements que gravitent artistes, musiciens-intervenants, techniciens, cadres administratifs, etc... dans une plate-forme internationale de très haute valeur en ce qui concerne la formation, tout en étant au service d’une certaine excellence artistique.

MIMI-NOR workshop-festival :
An International cultural cooperation project

Confronted to the increasing demands to find new ways in cultural cooperation within the popular music field, A.M.I. organises international crossed-workshops.
The aim is not necessarily to produce finished works, but is more oriented towards human exchanges, long-term productive relationships amongst the invited musicians, and re-creation of local networks for music micro-enterprises. Most of them are based on a real cultural exchange with 2 annual sessions (one in the city abroad - one in Marseille). Some of them are opened to trainees, some others are strictly art-production oriented. Most of them request a three-years dedication.
AMI organizes three workshop-festivals of modest size (Marseille, the oldest and most mixed city in France, Narian-Mar, capital city of the Autonomous Region of the Nenets, North-Russia, Kinshasa, the heartbeat of Central Africa), respectively entitled Mimi, Mimi-Nor, and Mimi-Sud. They will be complementary in time and space (spring for Mimi-Nor, summer for Mimi, winter for Mimi-Sud), and they will create a permanent network, as well as on productions crews, as on artists. This (at the end, permanent) exchange between a common professional platform and a common artistic panel will generate (we are quite sure about it) an undisputable training advantage, not to speak about what will probably be the most important, emergence of new entrepreneurs and their networks in the concerned cities,regions, countries.
Confronted to the increasing demands to find new ways in cultural cooperation within the popular music field, A.M.I. organises international crossed-workshops.
The aim is not necessarily to produce finished works, but is more oriented towards human exchanges, long-term productive relationships amongst the invited musicians, and re-creation of local networks for music micro-enterprises. Most of them are based on a real cultural exchange with 2 annual sessions (one in the city abroad - one in Marseille). Some of them are opened to trainees, some others are strictly art-production oriented. Most of them request a three-years dedication.
AMI organizes three workshop-festivals of modest size (Marseille, the oldest and most mixed city in France, Narian-Mar, capital city of the Autonomous Region of the Nenets, North-Russia, Kinshasa, the heartbeat of Central Africa), respectively entitled Mimi, Mimi-Nor, and Mimi-Sud. They will be complementary in time and space (spring for Mimi-Nor, summer for Mimi, winter for Mimi-Sud), and they will create a permanent network, as well as on productions crews, as on artists. This (at the end, permanent) exchange between a common professional platform and a common artistic panel will generate (we are quite sure about it) an undisputable training advantage, not to speak about what will probably be the most important, emergence of new entrepreneurs and their networks in the concerned cities,regions, countries.