project carriers

Project founders and promoters. They are or have been assisted as part of Dynamo, CADO or Funduk.


project carriers

hosted in dynamo

project carriers & artistic collectives

hosted in dynamo

Act In Prod
Mélinda Milon de Peillon /// Project leader
Based in the PACA region of south-east France, ACT-IN PROD supports the dissemination and development of its artists through production, management, communication, publicity and promotion.
ACT-IN PROD always works attentively and above all in close collaboration with the artists, continually developing exchanges and communication in order to ensure that the musical creations have as much exposure and audience as possible.
Act in Prod is hosted in the Friche Belle de Mai centre as part of DYNAMO.

Mediterranean Electro Folk
D’Aqui Dub releases its first album "Impermanència", available on 1D PACA!

Trip hop / post rock

Make Me Prod
Gaëlle Jeandon /// Production manager
Baptiste Bourel /// Booking agent
Make me Prod is a non-profit collective organisation founded in 2010 to develop the careers of the artists Gaïo and Isaya. Make me Prod works on several fronts, from artistic direction to record production, in close collaboration with the artists, taking special care with each project.

Make me Prod is hosted in the Friche Belle de Mai centre as part of DYNAMO.

Chaman Folk
Support Isaya by buying their CD on 1DPACA :

Song/World Music/Jazz

Acoustic Folk-Rock Trio

Adresse postale :
Cité des associations
BP 106
93 la Canebière
13001 Marseille
Tel : (Gaëlle) 06 16 33 84 96

Compagnie l’Individu
Charles-Eric Petit | Artistic Director
Abdelkarim Douima | Administration Manager
Martin Kamoun | Stage Manager
Yann Loric | Technical Director
The Compagnie l’Individu theatre company is mainly made up of former students of the Ecole Régionale d’Acteurs de Cannes (ERAC) drama school. Since eight years ago, it has been working principally on the basis of works written and directed by Charles-Eric Petit.

Izy Admin
More infos coming soon.